Now available from Leadfinger Racing; The new ‘Beretta’ body for the Mugen MBX8R!
This body is a one-of-a-kind design specifically made to fit the MBX7 and 8 platforms. There are no extra modifications needed or unsightly cut lines after trimming. The guess work has also been eliminated when locating post hole location. This body provides plenty of 4S battery room if you are running the MBX8R eco version. This body also fits the Sworks with minor trimming.
The Beretta body for the Mugen MBX8R shares the same cab design and rear deck lid as the LFR Bruggy truck bodies. Allowing for maximum head cooling along with an integrated spoiler for added downforce. Overall, the Beretta body for the Mugen MBX8R brings a fresh new look, aggressive styling, and performance to the playing field.
The Beretta body comes with clear overspray film and window masks for ease of painting. Leadfinger Racing stickers included.
*Made specifically for the MBX8R
*Fits all MBX7, 8 nitro and eco buggies
*Also fits Sworks buggies
*Matching design to the Bruggy truck bodies
*Fresh new look
*Clear overspray film, window masks included
*Made in the USA by Leadfinger Racing