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Always the correct part
We know our products
Mounting, Balancing
Free shipping on orders $100+
The pricing is based on a 3 day minimum stay. If you plan to be there Wednesday and or leave Monday you will have to pay extra days.
1 - 15 Full Hook Up (50A) ($65 per night)
16 - 66 Water/Power (30A) ($50 per night) Spots 35 thru 51 are not far from the arena, they just aren't next to the arena.
***No refunds on spots once it is 30 days before the event. You can transfer the spot to another party as long as we are notified in advance of the event. Power can only be used by trailers/campers that occupy the spot, there will be no sharing of power from the power poles to non spot occupying racers (No extension cords running to other areas)
Wallie builds is the top option for any racer looking to have the best available car at the track. These kits are built to be winners and give you the best opportunity for wins and podiums.
- Wallie Builds will cover shipping charges to anyone in the US.
- Once the sale leaves beachRC and arrives at Wallie Builds we will take full responsibility for the order.
- Anything with the build will be handled by Wallie Builds.